Informative Leonardo Da Vinci Biography

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“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” Those influential words were once said by Leonardo Da Vinci, the greatest genius who ever lived. The renowned polymath was a man of many talents. Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter, draughtsman, scientist, engineer, theorist, sculptor and architect. The Italian renaissance was born on April 15, 1452 and sadly passed away on May 2, 1519 ( aged 67). He was a prominent artist who painted some of the most illustrious pieces of art such as The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. As distinguished as Da Vinci is, many people may not know this queer but fascinating fact about him. Leonardo uses a writing technique called “mirror writing” where he writes as a reflection of a mirror would. 

Early Life

Leonardo Da Vinci was born in a farmhouse outside the village of Anchanio, Tuscany in Italy. He was raised out of wedlock with Ser Piero, his father being a Florentine notary. His stepmother, Caterina, was a peasant but shortly after married an artisan. At the age of 5, Da Vinci moved to his fathers estate, close to the city of Vinci. There he would live with his grandparents. You might think Leonardo Da Vinci would have a great amount of education but in reality, he had scarce education and could not learn much beyond reading and simple maths. The reason behind this is because he was illegitimate and had to find his own way to learn. This is quite staggering because it means that Da Vinci got his vast knowledge just from his observations and curiosity! 

Early Career

Leonardo Da Vinci’s father appreciated and was awe-inspired at Da Vinci’s delightful pictures. Ser Piero was convinced that his son would be a famous artist, so he took Leonardo and made him the apprentice of the great Andrea del Verrocchio so he could help him in the workshop. Andrea was also a painter and sculptor of high distinction and was renowned for his sculptures such as Tobias and the Angel and Virgin and Child with Two Angels. This is what inspired Leonardo Da Vinci to become a wonderful artist. His sublime paintings impressed Verrocchio but also made Andrea quit painting. He quoted that he was ashamed but also relieved that there was such a talented painter like Da Vinci, and that this would help him focus more on sculpting which he preferred and excelled in. Leonardo worked in Verrocchio’s workshop for four years before becoming an independent master in 1478. He started his first commissioned art in 1482, The Adoration of Magi, for a Scopeto monastery. However, Da Vinci never finished painting the piece, as he relocated to Milan serving as an architect, engineer, painter and most importantly, a sculptor for the Sforza clan. Da Vinci was asked to create a 16 foot statue in bronze of Francesco Sforza, the dynasty founder. Leonardo sculpted the project for 12 years, and in 1493 the clay model was ready to be displayed! Unfortunately, with war going on, the colossal sculpture had to be repurposed into a cannon. The statue was decimated during the conflict.

Things Leonardo Da Vinci is Best Known For 

Leonardo Da Vinci has been one of the most successful and prestigious artists and has had many achievements and milestones to his name. His paintings were the most popular of them all. Here are Leonardo Da Vinci’s most admirable milestones and artistic pieces:

  1. Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa was arguably the most renowned painting of Leonardo Da Vinci. The Mona Lisa was painted somewhere between 1503 and 1519. Today the painting is  currently displayed in the Louvre Museum, remaining an object of pilgrimage in the 21st Century. Till today, the mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa remains an intriguing and fascinating subject. A legitimate theory is that when you do not look directly at the mouth, the Mona Lisa smiles. But when you look at her smile, parts of it fade into the background! Intriguing!! Did you know that the Mona Lisa was made of Oil Paint?! 

  1. The Last Supper

The Last Supper was one of the most prominent artworks back in the day. The piece was painted somewhere between 1495 and 1498. It depicts the dramatic scene described in several closely connected moments in the Gospels, including Matthew, in which Jesus declares that one of the Apostles will later betray him and later institutes the Eucharist. Leonardo’s belief that posture, gesture and expression manifests the “notions of mind”. 

  1. Designing a Tank 400 years before it became a reality!

Leonardo Da Vinci was not only a fantastic artist but a brilliant inventor. He invented various sculptures and statues, but one of his most creative works and innovative works is his amazing tank. He built the tank in 1487, and it was designed as an 8 man operation. Leonardo’s Tank had 36 guns poking out of its hefty turtle shell. To summarise, Da Vinci built the tank 400 years before the copy of the design was used in the First World War. Wow!

  1. Making his Personal Robot!

Leonardo Da Vinci had sketched and designed and even possibly constructed his own robot. Many people call this Leonardo’s Robot. According to Da Vinci’s sketches of the key components, the robot was to be powered by some use cables which enabled it to sit, stand, turn its head, cross arms and even lift up its metal visor! Though no draft and design of the automaton exist, NASA roboticist Mark Roshiem used Leonardo’s scattered notes and designs to form a copy of Leonardo’s Robot, and the new robot was created in 2002. Some people believe that Leonardo’s robotic invention was the first of its kind, suggesting that he could be the pioneer of robotics!


Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius of his time. Painting the world’s most famous artwork, The Mona Lisa. Creating a tank 400 years before it became a reality. Constructing his own personal robot. Da Vinci was a mastermind. If Leonardo could sell all of his artworks, he would have an income of 100,000 dollars. A painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, architect and sculptor, Leonardo Da Vinci was the greatest genius who ever lived. 

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