Fun Facts

Surprising Facts about Nature that will blow your mind!

Surprising Facts about Nature that will blow your mind!

Image Credit: Acacia Trees can warn each other of danger! This tree grows something called tannin production which is an unusual defence system to drive away animals from the toxic stench!Owls do not have eyeballs. Bird specialists say there more likely called something like "eye tubes". Since an owl can move its head to 270 degrees, its eye tubes are not used very often!Buffalos have democracy! Apparently, we are not the only ones who use voting as a justice to decide something, Buffalos do too! Adult females of a herd will look a specific direction to "vote" which option they…
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Terrifying Facts About Natural Disasters

Terrifying Facts About Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters can be so horrifying and deadly to our planet, but did you know these terror struck facts about these hazardous events! The Largest earthquake ever was in Chile in 1960. It was a jaw dropping 9.5 on the magnitude scale!There are about 1,900 volcanoes right now that are erupting.90% of active volcanoes come from the Ring Of Fire, in the Pacific Ocean!The Yellow River is one of the most dangerous estuaries, causing 1.5 million to 4 million deaths in 1931!The worlds largest tidal wave happened in Latuya Bay, Alaska. It was over 1,720 feet tall, making it 500…
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Horrifying Facts about Ocean Pollution that you need to know!

Horrifying Facts about Ocean Pollution that you need to know!

Image Credit: The 8 million tons of plastic end up floating in the waters every year.There is more micro plastic in the ocean than the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.Over 100 marine animals die very year due to choking in plastic.More than 50% of turtles have eaten or consumed plastic.There is an island call The Great Garbage Patch which is filled full of garbage and is 3 times larger than France.There is estimated to be over 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic in the Great Garbage Patch.80% of ocean pollution comes just from 20 countries.With each load of laundry,…
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Amazing Animal Fun Facts

Amazing Animal Fun Facts

One species of Jellyfish is immortal. It can go back to being a child after becoming an adult. A Snail can slumber for 3 years at a time. There are one million ants for every human. A Blue Whale weighs 3 times more than an elephant and is as lengthy as 3 greyhound buses. Octopus have 3 hearts. A bat can eat 1 thousand insects per hour. Sharks kill fewer than 10 people per year. Humans kill about 100 million sharks per year. Wild dolphins call each other by name. “Oi, Flipper!” Elephants have a particular alarm call that means…
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