About Me

My name is Aditya Thakur. My friends and family call me “Adi”. I am 12 years old and a grade 7 student. I am confident, disciplined and a forever student. I am originally from India but live in Melbourne, Australia. I love living in Melbourne as it has a very sporty and cheerful vibe. Also it is home to the Australian Open Tennis, my favourite sport.

I was born in India in 2010. I grew up in Bangalore, famously known as the “Garden City” and the “Silicon Valley” of India. In my early childhood, I attended Montessori school. At that time I was not very fond of school so every day my mum had to buy me a Hot wheels car for me to go to school. I feel so guilty now! My dad is from IT and my mum is from HR background, which makes my mum very talkative and my dad, very techie at home. I remember having fun memories of big bash at Diwali with my grandparents and cousins every year. I also reminiscence the stories my grandfather used to tell me, listening to stories was a big part of my growing up. My parents lived in U.S. for a while and later when I was 5 years old, we moved to Adelaide, Australia. I did my prep and grade 1 in Norwood Primary school in Adelaide. English wasn’t my first language when I came in, though sooner I realized I had become an avid reader and books were a big part of my life. I started at Grade 2 in Mont Albert Primary school, no wonder, there was another relocation for good from Adelaide to Melbourne. Finally I can call Melbourne as my home.

I am one of the youngest authors in the world , having shot to fame with my books “Lost in Space and “ The Honey Thief”. I am friendly, imaginative and live life with no boundaries. I love reading fiction books. such as Lord of the Rings and adventure books such as Percy Jackson. Books are my best friends. I love nature and love travelling. 

Sports play a massive role in my life. I am a Tennis professional, passionate and aspiring to be a Tennis player. I love playing basketball and cricket and love watching football. I am passionate about Tennis and play for Tennis Victoria, as part of State Super 10 team. My determination to be an athlete has contributed to my success in Tennis. I am very hard working, goal-oriented  and self-motivated.

I am ever curious and learning new things every day. I would love you to join me in this journey called as “life” and live it with me through my website and social channels.

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