Lost in Space

Lost in Space - Author: Aditya Thakur

Lost in Space

Exhilarating and thrilling kids book written by Aditya Thakur

About the Book:

“I was playing soccer with my dad until I found a strange machine, so I went in and pressed a lot of buttons and I was off to space and found myself lost in the whole universe and the alien made me even more lost until I found a machine that would bring you to any place you want in the world. Will I get back to earth?”

This book is an odyssey and saga of a kid’s journey into outer space. It involves the fascinating story of alien encounters, asteroid crash, landing onto an alien planet and dealing with myriad cosmic elements. The storyline is so riveting and engaging that it is difficult not to finish the book in one read.

This is an illustrative book with verbal and picture narratives. This is a delightful read, depicting kid’s rendezvous with all that he imagined to be just a fascination, until going through this first hand journey himself. It has the beautiful mix of adventure, element of surprise and the unexpected twists and turns, which eventually leads the kid to become a global phenomenon.

Book Image Gallery:

How to Buy:


Kindle Edition –

Paperback (Print Edition) –
Other Markets –
France Paperback Link – https://www.amazon.fr/dp/1795319585
Spain Paperback Link – https://www.amazon.es/dp/1795319585
Italy Paperback Link – https://www.amazon.it/dp/1795319585
Denmark Paperback Link – https://www.amazon.de/dp/1795319585
Denmark Kindle Link – https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07N68MQQP
Netherlands Kindle Link – https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B07N68MQQP

Google Platforms

Lost in Thief Amazon
Lost in Space Google Play
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