Surprising Facts about Nature that will blow your mind!

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  1. Acacia Trees can warn each other of danger! This tree grows something called tannin production which is an unusual defence system to drive away animals from the toxic stench!
  2. Owls do not have eyeballs. Bird specialists say there more likely called something like “eye tubes”. Since an owl can move its head to 270 degrees, its eye tubes are not used very often!
  3. Buffalos have democracy! Apparently, we are not the only ones who use voting as a justice to decide something, Buffalos do too! Adult females of a herd will look a specific direction to “vote” which option they want to chose!
  4. OUR BRAINS ARE SHRINKING! Over 10,000 years of brain fossil study, our brains have shrunk at the size of a tennis ball. No need to worry, your brain is probably more efficient that way!
  5. Our galaxy is ready to collide with the Andromeda Galaxy. In about 3.75 billion years, these 2 galaxies will crash into each other! There will be colossal damage and chaos, but once the two galaxy merge it will become one huge galaxy!
  6. In an average human lifetime, your hair will grow up to 1000 kilometres of hair!
  7. There is a plant that can reproduce itself from cloning! Its call the Holly King plant, which will simply drop the the branch, and spit the identical DNA to the roots!
  8. Saturn can float on water! You know how an iceberg is so heavy, but can still float in water? Same thing applies with gas. Since Saturn is filled with gas, it can easily float on water!
  9. Armadillos are bullet proof! It has been reported various times that an Armadillo has been fired at and the bullet has just ricocheted off! Due to its amazingly tough armour, an Armadillo is something you should never shoot!
  10. More than 200 whopping viruses can cause a cold!
  11. Mars has the solar systems biggest volcano ever! 136 miles in hight an 370 miles in width, Olympus Mons is huge!
  12. Humans only eat 200 types of plants when we could be eating 300,000 types of edible plants!
  13. Hurricanes release the energy of 10,000 nuclear bombs!
  14. The Bamboo plant grows the fastest. The bamboo plant world record growth was 35 inches of growth per day! Some quick panda food there!
  15. DNA is fireproof! The molecules that make DNA are similar to the ones on fireproof substances!

Hope you enjoyed those surprising facts about the nature and comment down below which fun facts article you want next!!!!!!!!!

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