The Hobbit Book Review

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“A flawless masterpiece” quoted The Times

“Tolkien’s stories take place against a background of measureless depth . . . That background is ever-present in the creator’s mind and it gives Frodo and company a three-dimensional reality that is seldom found in this kind of writing.” — Washington Post Book World

The book they are quoting is The Hobbit! Today I am going to review this extraordinary book. The author of this book is J.R.R. Tolkien. The book is about a normal village man called Bilbo Baggins. He lives in a Hobbit like everyone else and that is the normal in this strange world. He enjoys a comfortable and laggard life and usually travels no further than his pantry. But his leisure life is disturbed when the wizard, Gandalf and 13 dwarves arrive in his Hobbit to accompany Bilbo on a perilous quest to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent, a very phenomenal and treacherous dragon!

Here is a list of things I liked about this fabulous book:

  • The powerful and ancient adjectives such as: Queer ( strange ), Eucatastrophe ( Happy ending ), Warg ( Evil Wolves ) and Mathom ( Treasure )
  • The wonderful and truthful quotes such as: “Such is the nature of evil” and “The world is not in your book and maps”
  • Some great themes in this book are bravery and heroism, when Bilbo fights the dragon and finishes his quest he emerges as a hero. Trust was a big theme as well, as many of the dwarves abandoned Bilbo because they were scared. Finally, resilience was shown when Bilbo did not give up on himself and kept going though such pain.

In the fullness of time, The Hobbit can get a bit boring as they ramble on 1 story for 5 pages and it can get a bit too violent, but other than that I think this is an absolute masterpiece! I recommend it to people who love fantasy and mythological adventures. This book is for all ages but prepare for some violence if you are reading this book at a young age. So that is my book review and please let me know if there are any other books I can review!

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